Girls in Computing - UQ MARS

25 November, 2020

UQ MARS was invited by the UQ Women in Engineering Team to the 2020 Girls in Computing event. Featuring booths from student societies, interactive student projects and a gelato cart, the event aimed to inspire and excite high school girls about computing-related study pathways.

The UQ MARS stall filled with PCBs, student robotics projects and robot arms from the 2020 UQ MARS Project.

During the clubs and societies introductions, UQ MARS was represented by executive member, Nicole Harding. During 2020, Nicole was on the Logistical Committee and next year will be the UQ MARS Secretary, one of the club's leading exec roles. Nicole is majoring in computer and electrical engineering and joined the club to learn more about robotics.

“I joined UQ MARS because I wanted to be a part of a fun and supportive space that is as passionate about the design of robots and their applications as I am!”

UQ computing-related clubs and societies on stage.

The night also featured a speech from Anastasia Laczko, the UQ MARS Technical Officer, who talked about why she chose to study at UQ and how she came to major in Mechatronic Engineering. Anastasia also discussed how there are many different pathways to studying computing at UQ and that everyone's experience is unique.

“It's okay if your journey is also a bit bumpy because there's no one road to computing and no cookie-cutter approach to having a great university experience. There are going to be so many amazing opportunities … all you have to do, is being willing to take a step out of your comfort zone and say yes to them.”

“It's okay if your journey is also a bit bumpy because there's no one road to computing and no cookie-cutter approach to having a great university experience. There are going to be so many amazing opportunities … all you have to do, is being willing to take a step out of your comfort zone and say yes to them.”

Student Speaker, Anastasia Laczko, on stage and talking to prospective students.

UQ MARS would like to thank the Women in Engineering team for inviting us to the event. It was great to chat with so many female high school students interested in STEM and robotics and we look forward to partaking in more events next year!