Sponsorship Portfolios

Partnering with UQ MARS

Explore our sponsorship portfolios and the benefits of collaborating with UQ MARS.

Competitions Portfolio - Innovation

Packages included in the Innovation prospectus are designed to elevate the quality of UQ MARS’s competitions portfolio. By contributing to this package, sponsors contribute to the development of the next generation of engineers and innovators.

  • Elevate Event Quality: Your company is recognised and thanked at the opening of one of our flagship events. (Principal Flagship Sponsor)
  • Amplify Innovation Outcomes: The personnel of your company provides their expertise in an educational segment in a flagship event. (Event Sponsor)
  • Strengthen Industry Presence: Your company gains the exclusive privilege of having increased foot traffic to your company booth by being positioned at an entrance point at the Expo. (Principal Expo Sponsor)
Innovation Portfolio

Outreach Portfolio - Community

The Outreach Portfolio focuses on fostering community connections and promoting STEM education. Sponsors of this portfolio help enable outreach programs that inspire and educate students and professionals alike.

  • Promote Corporate Values: Your logo is featured on educational materials used during outreach programs.
  • Drive Community Impact: Gain recognition on social media for your contributions to outreach events.
  • Foster Accessibility: Sponsorship funds can be directed towards travel costs for outreach teams, enabling them to reach remote locations.
Community Portfolio

Projects Portfolio - Empowerment

The Projects Portfolio empowers innovation through support for groundbreaking STEM initiatives and projects. Contributions to this portfolio help bring ambitious concepts to life.

  • Champion Ambitious Projects: Support key initiatives like the RoboWars team and other STEM endeavors.
  • Foster The Future: Contribute to the development of long-term, innovative projects.
  • Elevate Brand Visibility: Enjoy prominent branding opportunities on major projects.
Empowerment Portfolio

Administrative Portfolio - Excellence

Support the essential operations of UQ MARS through the Administrative Portfolio. This portfolio ensures the smooth running of events and club activities, fostering an environment of excellence.

  • Sustain Operational Success: Provide your expertise and resources to help team members excel.
  • Enable Growth: Contribute branded items or services that enhance event experiences.
  • Demonstrate Impact: Receive acknowledgement at annual meetings and key events.
Excellence Portfolio

Minor Events Portfolio - Encouragement

The Minor Events Portfolio supports smaller-scale activities that engage members and promote interaction within the club. These events serve as stepping stones for deeper involvement and partnerships.

  • Start Partnerships: Gain recognition for sponsoring minor event facilities and logistics.
  • Support Engagement: Promote your products to members during quarterly events.
  • Promote Your Brand: Associate your name with event prizes and awards, boosting visibility.
Encouragement Portfolio